Monday, August 11, 2008

a night out......

A few weeks back my awesome Mom surprised Josh and I with tickets to the Mercy Me concert. To be really honest, we were mostly looking forward seeing David Crowder Band, but were glad for the others also. So on that Tuesday night we left Charleigh at the house with some friends and headed out for date night.
As soon as we got there we ran into Barbie and Justin, as well as Julie. This was fun for so many reasons. First off, I have somewhat blog-stalked Brent and Julie for months now. I'm not really ashamed of that, I mean, we go to church together, I've just never met them. And now, a chance to meet. I'm always a little nervous when I meet new people, so I can't tell you how relieved I was when Barbie introduced us and Julie says "Oh yeah, you're Charleigh's parents. I look at your blog." Woohoo! Instant ice-breaker!
From there, it just got better. While visiting with some old friends, Barbie comes running up to me and asks if Josh and I might want to use some extra meet and greet passes that Brent had. Uh, do you really need to ask??? So we walked over, met Brent, thanked him for the hookup and met the bands. So much fun. And then we got to enjoy an amazing concert with two great couples. Thanks to both the Thompsons and the Laus for making it such a wonderful evening.........
with MercyMe

with David Crowder Band


Barbie said...

Yay! I'm so glad we met up with eachother and got to hang out!

Brent and Julie said...

I love the pics and I'm so glad we were able to meet each other. Now, we are no longer blog stalkers...but friends. :)