Monday, January 26, 2009


Last weekend following another awesome sermon at The Bridge (sidenote, but worth mentioning), we called up Brent and Lanelle and suggested a last minute trip to Disneyland. Being the great friends that they are they said, "Sure, why not?" Gotta love the annual passes! So we loaded up, picked them up from their driveway at 11:30, grabbed Subway, and hit the road. It was short, crazy, and so much fun. Josh and Charleigh got some good daddy-daughter time and I got to practice my tourist routine with the new Rebel. We were home around midnight and only poor Josh had to report to work the next day, but even he says it was worth it............

1 comment:

Sara said...

Oh my goodness - we are at Disneyland all the time and have never seen that Sully. My kids would go nuts! It really is the Happiest Place on Earth, huh?! :)