On April 26th, Josh and I and my mom will be participating in the March of Dimes March for Babies walk. We will be part of a team from my mom's work. The team name is Nabors for Misty and Alexia. While we believe strongly in the wonderful things that March of Dimes does for premature babies and their families, we have joined this walk in remembrance of Misty Rocha and her daughter Alexia. This is the team's second year of participating. Misty was a coworker of my mom's. She had the most amazing personality and a stronger faith than most people I've ever met. She was always ready with a smile and word of encouragement or a verse she'd read that she felt God wanted her to pass on to you. In the summer of 2006, Misty became pregnant with her second child, a daughter. In early fall the doctors informed her that the baby had severe deformities and wouldn't live past birth if it even survived long enough to be delivered. All of them told her to terminate the pregnancy at that time. Misty resolutely informed the doctors and all those around her that God had given her peace about it and that He would take care of her and her daughter and that they would be just fine. On January 4, 2007 she delivered Alexia Rocha who was stillborn at birth. Little did anyone know that a few short hours later, Misty would be gone also. While it is hard to understand why God would call a 21-year-old mother home so soon, we who know Misty is truly home see that she was right. God did take care of her and her daughter and they are just fine. For those of us who knew her, we wanted a way to do something in her memory. In comes the March of Dimes walk. Josh and I are looking to raise our sponsorship funds for the walk and we would love it any of you would like to contribute. Donations can be given to us personally or through my website http://www.marchforbabies.org/carrielagore
1 comment:
iam a lagore too from col,ohio iam the youngest out of my lagore family i have 3 boys and 1 girl to carry the lagore name on for many years
you can e-mail me at jelagore@aol.com
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