Here are some of the other recent going ons around here....
While watching James and Brooke one night, Josh attempted the ever popular double-horseback ride (don't be fooled by James' face....they loved it)
We are finally conquering the fear of the vaccum cleaner.
Quite the life, right? While in Newport, the queen managed to watch
Little Einsteins from this perch in my bed. The foot is truly my favorite part......
At night, it is a requirement to have all 5, yes that's right, 5 babies in bed with her. We often wonder how there is room for all of them. I recently got this rare glimpse into how the sharing actually goes on......
okay, the creepy baby in the purple looks like a REAL baby. starring at me....creepy!!!=)
Can't wait for tonight!
ok for some reason I was accidentally signed in as scott on that last one. but it's me! i promise! =)
James always asks me to do this but I am not as fun as Josh!
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