Woo-hoo! A new post and a new sewing project. I am on a roll. Actually, I completed the sewing almost a month ago, but that's okay. I made this baby blanket for my cousin Kasey and had been procastinating making it for over 2 months. Then my aunt called and said she had been admitted for labor and so I ran out to Strawberry Patches, bought the material, and had it finished around midnight that night. Only to find out the next day that it had been a false alarm which meant no baby....Oh well, at least the blanket was finished and ready.

Trying to choose square placement,
so much harder than I thought....
the finished product, you can't see it that well, but I used a teal edging and it looked so good next to the purple back. Thanks for the tip, Colleen!
Great Job...I'm a newbie like you!
I've always wanted to use the teal ricrac. Love it!
You are off and running, you quilting queen! Yeah for you!
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