Monday, October 15, 2007

weekly NASCAR update....

So not the best weekend for the boys. A 7th place finish for Tony and 20th for Denny (I don't even want to discuss this. Has he never driven a car before? He wasn't even in a wreck.). Oh well, they are still standing strong at 5th and 9th in overall points. Respectable but not great. Perhaps this Sunday in Texas will go better, or at the very least, let's hope it won't be worse.....

In other NASCAR related news, did anyone see this article about the Congressman who thinks going to a race is reason enough to get an additional immunization for major diseases. Great. As if we NASCAR fans don't have enough of a reputation problem, this is just the frosting on the cake.....

1 comment:

Barbie said...

My hubby is a huge Kasey Kahne about not wanting to talk about it. Bad season..good driver, at least the last couple of races haven't been awful.