Monday, October 15, 2007

one of my favorite things....

I have recently discovered how much I love to watch Charleigh play on her own. Her little personality shines so brightly when she forgets that I am in the room or that I'm watching her. Once I watched as she "washed" her baby doll's face or sometimes she will just be chatting away while playing with her stacking blocks. The best so far has been when I realized that while looking at her books she was "reading" the pages. She would open a page, "read", turn the page, "read" and repeat throughout. It was almost cute enough to make me forget the 50 extremely uncute things she had done that day......almost.

1 comment:

Coco said...

I totally agree! I love watching James play with planes! He runs around waving them in the air saying, "reeeeeeeeeuuuuummmm"! We need to capture this stuff on video or write it in their baby books!