Thursday, March 04, 2010

what's up with cereal.....

Wow. I can hardly believe that I have already reached 32 weeks in this pregnancy. I was determined to document it along the way, but that seriously has not happened. In an effort to record at least some information so I don't forget later, here are some facts on Cereal......

  • Around the time my nephew was born in Nov. 2008, we started asking Charleigh from time to time if she wanted a brother or sister and what she would name it. Her answer always? "Cereal." And so, Cereal we have it. (At least until it's born)
  • We opted not to find out the gender this time. I thought it would feel so frustrating. I was wrong. I absolutely love the suspense and surprise! Josh not so much.
  • When asked if we know if it's a boy or a girl, Charleigh's response has become "No, only Jesus knows." Love it!
  • The nausea was not nearly as bad this time as the first time around. Also, thanks to a nasty stomach virus, I got ahold of Zofran early and have been able to use that as needed.
  • Because getting pregnant came as a surprise, I think that I took quite awhile to really let it sink in and enjoy it. I kept waiting for the other shoe to drop, I think. Thankfully, I finally calmed down and have definitely had a good time.
  • Started feeling movements around 17 weeks. Way earlier than with Charleigh. Turns out that is because this one is way more active than her.
  • Carried Charleigh on my back the entire time. Cereal has been much more forward. As a result, I've had hardly none of the back problems I had with her. Yea!!
  • Another effect of this has been seeing Cereal move from the outside. Didn't have hardly any of that the first time. This time? We were watching Cereal move a remote on my belly at night around the 22 week mark. And Josh has finally been able to understand the "alien in the stomach" comments.
  • Highlight of most months has been getting to watch Charleigh's face light up at the doctor's office when we get to hear the baby's "heartbeep".
  • My doctor was awesome about supporting the idea of me trying a VBAC. And that lasted approximately 3 weeks until we discovered that I have a complete placenta previa. Yeah, so much for that. Scheduled C-section here we come.

Sorry for some of the boring info. Mostly for my own recollection. But I'm sure it'll be nice to remember these before my crazy brain forgets everything. In general, this pregnancy could be summed up in saying that nearly everything has been different than it was with Charleigh. This leads me to believe that either A) it's a boy or B) it will be a very different girl than the one I have now.

I guess we'll just have to find out in about 7 weeks. Woohoo!!


Olive Oyl said...

I adore having Charleigh in Sunday school class. She is such a crack-up... and she always has hilarious things to say that totally make my day. I can't wait to meet your new little one, too! :)

Mommy Diffee said...

You have a blog! Oh I am excited and can't believe I haven't seen it before!!