Sunday, May 03, 2009

100 and a story.....

I am really bad at this blogging thing. Actually, I have been intending to post for the last two weeks, but something keeps stopping me. See, this is my 100th post. I knew that it was going to be the 100th post and I kept wanting it to be really spectacular or witty or exciting. It is probably going to prove to be none of the above. Instead, I think that I will take advantage of Charleigh's upcoming 3rd (oh my gosh, my baby is 3) birthday to write out her birth story. I have never done this and since I really super duper lame on my blog for her first year of life, now is as good as ever.

Charleigh - Part 1

The story of Charleigh really started 5 years ago. Josh and I had talked about waiting until we had been married for 2 or 3 years before starting the baby thing. Also, my mother had lots of trouble with fertility and I anticipated the possibility that I would have similar problems. Lo and behold, we were shocked beyond belief when I came up accidentally pregnant in early 2004 after only 8 months of marriage. We were a little unsure of a baby that soon, but were also ecstatic because it seemed that the fertility issue wasn't the problem we expected after all.

However, in late April 2004, our dreams for that child were shattered. Everything seemed to be going well and I was finally getting over some serious morning sickness issues. I went in for a routine appointment at 15 weeks and found out that the baby had stopped developing around the 7-8 week mark but my body had never miscarried it. Josh and I were devastated. We had come to love the idea of becoming parents and as soon as the doctors gave the go ahead we started trying to get pregnant again. Little did we know that things were not going to be anywhere near as simple as we planned......

(and because I hate to post without a photo here is the munchkin geared up and ready for the March of Dimes walk.........)

1 comment:

Barbie said...

I'm excited to read about Charleigh's birth story. I had no clue that you experienced such a heartbreaking loss. :(