Let's flashback a bit. On New Year's Eve we had plans for a game night at some friends' house. Charleigh was going to spend the night with Josh's parents and on our way to dinner we called to check on her. The progress report? She has thrown up six times.
Six times??? Are you serious?
So, scratch our plans. Let's go get the baby. And yes, she was quite sick. You know the one. The stomach bug that allows your child to reject any and all food she may try to eat. That was Wednesday night. She ate really nothing on Thursday and as of Friday morning she was still not keeping anything down.
But she was
asking for food.
My mom and I felt sorry for her so we made her some toast Friday afternoon. Literally one piece of bread with spray butter on it. So pathetic. Even more pathetic? These pictures where she is actually
licking the plate trying to get the last morsels of crumbs and butter overspray. Poor starving child.......