The Plan actually started back at the end of April. I made an appointment with my OB, Dr. C, to discuss the idea of having another child. We know that we're ready and wanted to know what our options through her office would be, or if we would have to go back to the fertility guy from before.
She then proceeded to give me a much needed verbal butt-kicking. She told me that she would be happy to help us and that we should be able to do everything that we did with Charleigh right in her office. However, she was not willing to give us any assistance until I had done some work on my part. And so, per her instructions and my own needs, The Plan was born.
What exactly does The Plan entail?
-come back to her office in approximately 6 months at X weight.
-take my Metformin regularly so that it can do what it needs to do for my PCOS symptoms
-take Topamax for migraines as prescribed earlier in the year
-chart, chart, chart......monthly patterns, body temperature, the tides of the ocean...okay, not really the tides, but it feels like it sometimes.
-have bloodwork checked every couple of months to make sure that my hormone levels are getting back to where they should be
And so I left the office with The Plan. And I have gotten to work diligently since that day. Progress so far has been great. I have dropped almost 50 pounds, not missed a single dose of medicine since April, charted religiously and completed necessary bloodwork.
There has however been one minor hiccup in completing The Plan as asked.
And with the hiccup, the following verse just keeps echoing in my mind.
"Many are the plans in a man's heart, but it is the Lord's purpose that prevails." Proverbs 19:21